Monday, October 23, 2017

Day 5: Building Capacity

Your power is in your politics. You can have a politics of stillness or a politics of motion. Today, we will discuss building capacity via Newton's Second Law of Motion.

Today's conversation is inspired by the text, The Jazz of Physics. 

The author writes that jazz and physics require some form of improvisation or acting or creating something without full preparation. 

Your topic for today is Avoiding Nothingness: Life as Improvisation to Support Others. 

    Life as Improvisation to support others

The problems Silence can cause for human development are plenty. Silence can be a problem because you have no say so in things or your thoughts are not being shared. Silence can be a problem because you are not communicating. Silence can be a problem because what if someone needs you to say something to them. Your silent can cause a lot of problems these are just a few I thought of. The power of improvisation and shaping the future are real powerful in a way. Because people improvise when they need or want something but got to work with what they got. That can play a big role in shaping the future because when people improvise sometimes they can create a new creation that can be useful for billions of people and can make the future a lot better. Every creation probably started of as someone just improvising . Newtons second law says Force equals mass times acceleration. The way I connected with that was like the amount of work(mass) put in will determine my acceleration and how my future(force) will be . I think silence can be good and bad. Sometimes is best to not speak sometimes is best to not speak. 


Avoiding nothingness: Life as improvisation to support others.

The murder rate keeps rising while everyone in the city watches in silence. Nobody really cares so they all stay quiet. Nothing is being done to better our future. We need more mentors for the children that are blinded. People fail to realize all we need is a little guidance. People break laws and don’t care until they face the consequences. I'm a nobody right now, but I will be somebody just like you turn nothing into something.


There is something . there will always be something. life is just like a plant but the only thing is we don’t need sun to arise. silence can go a long way. u need peace without it being noisey there will not be no peace. life not hard until u make it u can over come any obstacle in your way. u may have your up and downs but don’t let the down bring u down. keep doing you and keep moving forward .and also u can accomplish any thing u put your mind to. school should be on a kid mind so he or she can be educated.


Advoiding Nothingness: Life as improvisation to support others

Silence can be part of the problem for human development, refusing to act when you know something not right. It shows you not developed in the greater authority of taking charge of situations to prevent wrong or bad outcome. This relate to the Newton’s second Law of Motion, because if there’s no one to stand up and be the force of a situation, how could it accelerate? So therefore silence is a big problem for human development.


Avoiding nonthingness: lifeas in provastion to support others

Being quiet is not right for humanity. People need to stand up for those who can't. It is very sad to see people in the world tom wrong political we need to do more. A political voice is stronger than a single person.


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